Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I Have No Soul

I have several problems with the concept of a soul (or spirit, or whatever you may choose to call it). Aside from the argument for lack of evidence, there are issues facing a person who claims that humans have souls that are created by God and that outlive the body on a separate, spiritual plane of existence. I'll outline these issues as follows:

If I Have a Soul, Why Do I Need a Body?

This first question stems from the idea that God creates human souls (I'm not sure when) and implants them or attaches them to the fertilized egg at conception so that the bundle of cells becomes a viable human. Never mind that 25% of these "viable humans" will be naturally aborted or miscarried without intervention from humans. What I don't get is this: God's ultimate plan for everybody is that their souls reside in Heaven with Him eternally and that we are all happy, healthy, and free of sin. So…why do I need a body? If my soul would be happy in Heaven then why can we not forego all of the formality, suffering, and nonsense and just get right to the end goal? If God cares nothing at all for my body and only wants my soul, then He should have just created my soul in Heaven directly. It's reasonable, it's simple, it's loving, and it accomplishes the goal with zero room for error.

Where Was My Soul Before I Was Born?

Since we're assuming that God creates souls, but don't know when He does it, we might assume that He created my soul a long time ago and was waiting for my parents to find each other and conceive the body into which He would ultimately place my soul. This begs the question(s): how long was my soul around before it was joined to my body, and where was it? If my soul was in heaven with God waiting to be transplanted, then I find it particularly disturbing and despicable that He wouldn't have just left me there. After all, Heaven is where He wants me to end up, isn't it?

If my soul was not in Heaven with God, then where was it? What other existential plane is there on which my soul may have sat in wait for a body? The flip side to this question relies on the idea that souls don't exist prior to being joined with a body and that God creates them at the point of conception (kind of a chicken-and-egg argument, in my opinion). This brings us to my next question.

When Does God Create Souls?

If, statistically, 25% of all pregnancies end in natural abortion or miscarriage then we have to question when, exactly, God is creating these souls. Is there a period of time during which the bundle of cells is under observation and in a probationary period before God deems them worthy of being joined to a soul? If not, and God joins the soul immediately at the time of conception, then why does He deem some souls lucky enough not to have to undergo the suffering of mortality and get a "Go Straight to heaven" card? Is He showing favoritism, or is He just shooting dice with these souls and they happen to hit the jackpot? If these souls were destined to end up in Heaven without having to struggle through life, then why did He bother with their conception (obviously wasted energy and resources for nothing) and bonding of their souls at all? He would have already known where they were going, because they never got to exercise their free will (a central tenet of religions which I find incredibly contradictory).

Why is God Still Creating Souls?

God presumably knew prior to creating the first human soul that He would have to mourn their poor decisions, deal with sin, and eventually sacrifice His son for their forgiveness. The question then arises: why did God – angry at Adam and Eve for sinning – command them to go out and make more sinners?! To whom does that make any sense at all? Not to me. So perhaps my biggest question is why God is even creating souls at all. If I were in charge, I would have just let the two sinners die, send their souls wherever they needed to go, and call it good enough – an experiment that turned out poorly and from which I can learn a valuable lesson.

Why Does My Soul Not Define Me?

If we have non-corporeal souls that outlive us, then whatever defines who we are should be contained in that soul. That is to say, our personality, our compassion, our jealousy and anger and greed should not simply be a product of chemical reactions in our physical brains, but should transcend our bodies on the spiritual plane. If we have these souls, then they would not be affected by drugs, social pressures, local culture, or trauma. Regardless of what was happening to our bodies, we should always be exactly what our soul defines us to be. We know this isn't the case. Brain trauma sometimes causes an irreversible shift in a person's personality to the point where – behaviorally – they would be unrecognizable even to their own family. Drugs cause personality shifts and behavioral changes where people will do things and say things they would otherwise never do or say. It can be argued that moving to a different geographical location or immersing oneself in a different culture causes fundamental shifts in behavior and personality as well. We tend to change ourselves to suit our surroundings if we are unable to change our surroundings to suit ourselves.

How could this happen if we have an immortal soul? I don't think it could, and I have yet to come across an argument convincing me that this question isn't valid.

If I Have a Soul, Why Do I Need a Brain?

Even if my soul doesn't define my personality, then it is said that it is what gives me life. Religious people often claim that our brains are so complex and amazing, it couldn't possibly be reduced simply to electrical impulses and chemical reactions – an argument from incredulity. But why, if I have an immortal soul that gives me life, do I need a brain? Why doesn't my soul do that work? Why isn't my soul more actively and apparently involved in my living process? This may be the weakest of my problems with the soul concept, but it's still a problem.

If Animals Have No Souls, How Do They Live?

It is commonly accepted and stated as fact in religious circles that only humans bear a soul. Animals don't have souls and they don't go to Heaven or Hell. It seems odd then that animals have identical living processes to humans – that is, brains, hearts, digestive systems, etc. Why do we look the same as animals on the inside if we're so much different? Why are we made up of exactly the same material? This makes absolutely no sense. If humans have souls, then animals must also have souls because we can find no fundamental difference between animals and humans (who, as we all know, are still animals). I find it frustrating to think that any religious person could hold to this idea and even go so far as to construct some type of elaborate defense of this position that defies all logic and reason.

I Have No Soul.

Given that these questions are never answered, I have to operate under the assumption that I have no immortal soul. As such, I am not in any terrible danger of ending up in Hell and I have no reason to make myself subservient to an oppressive deity on the off-chance I might make it to Heaven. Instead, I'll act as though this life is the only one I get; that I should be kind to my fellow humans in the hopes that it will propagate to all and we'll live in peace; that my happiness here on Earth is my ultimate goal, so long as I don't harm others in my attempts to attain it; that I should not waste a single moment of my life bowing and scraping to an invisible person who doesn't care about my mortal existence anyway. I'll just be the best human I can be. Is that so bad?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Everybody Draw Muhammad Day 2010

I'm participating in this exercise of free speech and freedom of expression. I feel the value in this day is showing the impotence of the imaginary deity and his long-dead prophet and the horrible injustice of bowing to the bullying of those who would censor us based on their personal beliefs. We need to be reasonable and rational and stop giving in to extremists and those who wish to oppress us. Here's my YouTube submission:

Sunday, May 16, 2010

YouTube Channel/Playlist!

I'm attempting to start a YouTube channel (actually a playlist, because my channel has already been created and I don't want to go through the hassle of creating another YouTube account) containing my thoughts on free thought, skepticism, and religion. It's tied to this blog and some of the videos will mirror these posts and/or my Facebook notes. Check this video out and let me know what you think!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Hey, Nice Book!

The biggest problem I have with the Christian Bible is that not even Christians actually believe it. I mean, sure, there are groups of Christians who adhere to every word of certain parts and other groups who cling to other parts, but not all groups of Christians give all parts of the Bible the same weight. They use distinct verses of scripture for their purpose-of-the-moment (would it be wrong to call them "Crusades?") and knowingly discard others as uncomfortable, indefensible, or just plain nonsense.

Cherry-Picked Scripture

Christians, for any situation, can pick out a single verse or short passage of scripture from the Bible that totally sets their mind at ease on the subject. It doesn't matter if it was the verse's intent or not; it only matters that it appears to support the Christian's position. For instance (the best-known example), the Romans Road to Salvation, consists of the following verses:

John 3:16, Romans 5:8, Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Romans 10:9, Romans 10:13

Right off the bat, you notice one thing: the verses are from different books and completely out of order. They've been cherry-picked!

Out of Context Verses

Let's stick with the Romans Road for this one. If you look at the entire context of these verses, you'll notice that some of them are not messages of hope and peace (which would have the desired effect of drawing people closer to God), but of condemnation or injustice or nonsense. To whit:

John 3:16 is followed by John 3:18 which claims that anyone who doesn't believe in the name of Jesus is already condemned from the start. Makes you wonder about people to whom Jesus never appeared and who don't have a Bible.

Romans 5:8 is followed by Romans 5:12 which states the ridiculous idea that all of humanity's sin came about because of a single person.

Romans 3:23 is only a tiny snippet of a larger discussion on atonement through Jesus' death and the value of circumcision. At one point it says circumcision is a valuable part of obedience to God and later states that God is the God of the Jew and the Gentiles and justifies them in exactly the same way, regardless of circumcision.

Romans 6:23 is immediately preceded by the phrase, "But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God…" How comforting. I can see why they leave that part out.

2 Corinthians 5:21 is begging you outright to accept Jesus: "We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God."

Romans 10:9 and 10:13 are followed by Romans 10:14, which makes a profound statement: "How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in?" Indeed, how can they?

Here's the single, most important problem with the context of these verses: They weren't written to you. They were found in personal letters from Paul to specific churches, during specific periods of time in their development, to address specific concerns within that church. Nowhere does Paul indicate that these letters are to be disseminated to everybody, everywhere, for all time. In fact, an attentive reading through his letters shows him to be a misogynistic, racist slavery advocate who never actually met Jesus Christ but thought highly enough of himself to put words in Jesus' mouth that Jesus wouldn't have. All of Paul's letters are taken out of context, no matter how Christians spin it.

Suspension of Disbelief

Not all Christians believe in a literal six-day creation or Noah's global flood. In order to do that, they'd have to suspend their disbelief and convince themselves that something so completely silly is true. They believe the rest of the Bible is true, but they pass these types of things off as allegory or parable. This is a big problem with the Bible, and it can be seen clearly by the disparate groups of believers, that it is largely unbelievable. Some of the stories are cool, but they just have no basis in reality.

To summarize, it is clear by looking at "Bible-believing Christians" that the Bible has problems. They don't agree. They don't interpret it the same way. They don't give the entire Bible the same factual and evidential weight. Any rational, level-headed person can see where this leads. If it cannot be verified factually, then it should be considered fiction. If it is considered fiction, it is not a basis on which to live your life. If it is not a basis on which to live your life, then it is absolutely repugnant and morally outrageous to even attempt to base governmental and educational decisions and policies on it! Let's start thinking, people. Please.

Bible Warning

Blogroll Announcement!

Boolean Boycott has been added to the Atheist Blogroll. I'm placing the blogroll in my sidebar and you should check it out! The Atheist Blogroll is a community-building service provided free of charge to atheist bloggers from around the world. If you would like to join, visit Mojoey at Deep Thoughts for more information.